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Elders Residential Real Estate debuts brand refresh

Elders Real Estate is delighted to today unveil a full brand refresh for its residential arm, across more than 300 offices nationally. The new branding features sophisticated, stand-out text and more vibrant colour options. While the new palette still employs the iconic red and white, it also features lighter tones, such as stone and spray…

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It’s Not Too Late to Give Your Kids a Summer to Remember

If they haven’t gone back already, the kids only have about a week left of the summer school holidays – so let’s make the most of them. Summer is an exciting time for kids, with beautiful weather and plenty of time away from school, it’s nice to do a couple of fun actives in the…

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The Numbers for 2023 and Early Predictions for 2024

With 2023 now behind us and 2024 almost in full swing, we can now dissect last year’s numbers – and the news is good! According to CoreLogic’s National Home Value Index (HVI) national home prices rose by 8.3% across the country last year. This is a significant turnaround from the -4.9% drop experienced in 2022,…

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Keeping Your Home Secure While You’re on Holidays

Holidays are meant to be relaxing and stress-free. However, leaving your home unattended can cause some undue stress! As a homeowner, you need to take extra measures to secure your house and keep it safe while you’re away. In this blog post, we’ll share some useful tips on how to ensure the safety of your…

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New Year, New Opportunity to Buy and Sell Property

The New Year is here, and with it comes new opportunities for buying and selling property. Whether you’re a current homeowner looking to sell, or someone looking for a new place to call home, this new year brings a fresh start and a world of possibilities. With property prices upstaging expert predictions in 2023, 2024…

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The Year that Was 2023

As we wind up 2023 and begin planning for 2024 we thought we’d take this opportunity to reflect on what an incredible year in property it has been. As a company we have been able to learn, adapt and effectively communicate with thousands of clients which has resulted in some incredible achievements this year. In…

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Time to Get Your House Ready for Santa’s Arrival

With Christmas just around the corner, it’s time to get your home ready for Santa’s arrival. But before you start hanging stockings and decorating the tree, there are a few things you need to do. Preparing your home for Santa is important if you want to make sure he has a smooth journey delivering presents…

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Christmas Rate Reprieve Follows November House Price Rises

A Christmas rate reprieve from the Reserve Bank this month and new record highs for the country’s housing market throughout November bode well for a buoyant 2024 in real estate. Despite a rate rise in November, national home prices climbed 0.22% month-on-month to set another fresh record, bringing them up 5.53% so far this year…

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Preparing Your Home for Sale in the Holidays

For many people, the holiday season is a time to relax and socialise with family and friends. However, if you’re getting your home ready for sale during this festive time, there’s a few tips you can follow in order to attract the right buyers and maximise your sale. With the right preparations and planning, you…

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Elders launches real estate presence in Toodyay with acquisition of Country Realty

Elders continues to grow its real estate footprint in the North-east of Perth, announcing the acquisition of Country Realty Toodyay from 27 November 2023. The acquisition will allow Elders Real Estate to bring together the local expertise of Country Realty Toodyay with the expansive network and resources of Elders. Country Realty Toodyay is an established…

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Showing 1-50 of 84 results